When my children were young I had 4 children age 5 and under. When the youngest turned 5 we had our 5th child. Yes, many called me crazy! It was a busy, busy time and some days I didn’t know how I could do it. Now they are adults and I find myself longing for the time when they were all young.
Isn’t that interesting?!!
Do you ever find yourself either looking to the past or to the future instead of being present in today?
I think the best gift we can gift ourselves and others is the gift of presence.
How do you feel when you are talking with someone and you feel totally noticed by that person? On the other side, how do you feel when they seem to be thinking about anything but you?
Soul and
Essence toward
Nourishing &
Cheering someone
To me, being productive and on top of things gives me the time to give to others. If I’m so focused on me I can’t give to others.
Elizabeth's Now is Your Time Coaching Request:
How can this show up in your life today? For someone else? For you?
What can you do in your life so you have the time to be present for others?